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Tips For A Blissfully Cooler Bedroom In Scorching Summers

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A lady laying in bed and struggling to sleep due to a warm bedroom

Beating The Warm Summer Nights

With the recent spell of scorching hot British evenings this summer, we find ourselves seeking refuge in the coolest corners of our homes. But as global warming plays its increasing role in intensifying our weather extremes, it’s about high time we arm ourselves with the wisdom and methods on how to keep your bedroom cool – blissfully cool!.

At DAY & KNIGHT, we’re not just about making the best custom furniture for your dreams, we’re about ensuring that those dreams are as serene and sweat-free as possible! So, let’s walk through a suite of our top strategies – from the more grand schemes to the delightfully simple.

The Grand Schemes: Roof and Wall Insulation

When the sun beats down, a well-insulated home is like a steadfast guard against the heat. Forward planning is essential with this measure as it’s a large and costly job. Although it’s worth checking to see if you might be eligible to get free or cheaper insulation for your home via a government scheme.

Professionally fitted roof and wall insulation might seem an expensive outlay at first glance, but it’s regarded as a sterling investment, not just for the toasty winters, but for keeping your home noticeably cooler when the mercury in the thermometer rises. Think of it as a thermos for your house, preserving the temperature just the way you fancy, summer, or winter without any ongoing costs.

High-Tech Relief: Air-Conditioning

Now, if you’re someone who needs to keep their cool – quite literally – then air conditioning is a surefire bet. Modern systems are increasingly energy-efficient and can be a godsend during those particularly warm, stuffy, British summer nights. We suggest avoiding most freestanding mobile units, as these tend to be noisy and their designs have a tendency to pump heat back in to the room (unless specifically vented externally, in which case it’s often better to opt for a professionally installed system).

Just remember, while a fully installed system may cost a pretty penny initially (and to run), there’s really no price too steep for a good night’s sleep, is there? Quality hotels always fit air-conditioning for this very reason.

Shady Solutions: Awnings and Solar Films

For those with a sunny disposition towards south-facing windows, the addition of external awnings can be both aesthetically pleasing and eminently practical. They’ll shade your abode from the most intense beams of daylight and are a charming way to add character too – do check local planning permission laws. Alternatively, solar film fitted to your windows can reflect back some of the heat and brightness, offering a discreet yet effective way to lower your room’s temperature throughout the day in preparation for the night ahead.

Stylish Screening: Venetian Blinds or Plantation Shutters

Wooden Venetian blinds, or plantation shutters work similarly to the above. These chic shutters don’t just grace your windows with a touch of sophistication; they stand guard against the sun’s rays (and their heat), helping you to control the light and airflow throughout the day, making them a cost effective alternative for reducing the temperature in your bedroom ready for the night.

Stirring the Air: Ceiling and Freestanding Fans

For some, there’s something undeniably comforting about the gentle whirr of a ceiling fan on a hot night, evoking colonial charm and bringing the temperature down a notch or two. Freestanding fans are equally effective, their portable nature allowing you to create your own personal zephyr wherever you fancy in your home. If you don’t like noise in your bedroom, search for the lowest decibel fans you can find; these are usually ones with larger blades that run at slower speeds.

Sparkling Clean: Dust-Free Surfaces & A Minimalist Space Are The Order Of The Day

We’re sticklers for detail at DAY & KNIGHT, and keeping surfaces spick and span goes beyond mere aesthetics – a dust-free room typically feels cooler. Without that layer of grime, your bedroom surfaces radiate less heat, ensuring you can keep your cool in more ways than one. A clean and minimalist bedroom is best for airflow; therefore if your bedroom lacks storage and is swamped in piles of clothes, other belongings and knick-knacks, then some of our smart fitted bedroom furniture could be just the ticket.

Electrics Off: Reducing Heat from Devices

Every watt counts, as they say. Turning off those glowing electronic devices – your television, your laptop — a few hours before bedtime doesn’t only save on your electricity bill, it also stops them from exhausting heat, warming your bedroom before you try nodding off. It’s the simple joys of unplugging that can make all the difference.

Vacuum Timing: Keep Cool While Cleaning

Consider the timing of using heat-generating appliances like vacuum cleaners. An evening clean might leave your room spick and span but warmer than you’d like. Those plug-in (wired) vacuum cleaners can generate quite the heat wave, so scheduling such activities for cooler parts of the day (usually the morning) can help keep the temperature in your bedroom more manageable come nighttime. Battery operated vacuum cleaners tend to generate less heat while cleaning, but the chargers can give out heat while charging.

Chill Factor: Refrigerated Bedding

As quaint as it may sound, some folks swear by chilling their bed linens before tucking in. Slip your sheets in a bag and pop them in the fridge for a spell – it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it could be just the ticket for those particularly scorching nights. Always pay attention to hygiene when using this method.

Our Commitment to Quality, Craftsmanship & Comfort

As Britain’s weather takes on a warmer timbre, DAY & KNIGHT stands with you, ready to offer not just bespoke furniture that stylishly transforms your space, but some practical wisdom for creating a bedroom that serves as a cool haven amidst the summer’s heat. Our commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and, above all, your comfort, remains at the core of what we do.